Blog on Blog Love

We were pretty excited to be included on Heidi's 3 day Fort Collins to-do list, but we might not have known about it if Heidi hadn't come in to take some snapshots.
So we wondered if anyone else had mentioned us out there in blogland that we didn't see. We scoured our analytics from the last couple months and found that the answer was YES!
Gigi of Living La Vida Local said we were one of her favorite shops during her visit to Fort Collins. (Her 'local' refers to the bright lights of Las Vegas.) and shared the below picture of our chalkboard sign during her visit.

Then Legal Addictions (a blog about backcountry split boarding, rock climbing, mountain biking, and other adventures) shared some pics of our Mountain Patch trucker hat during their group backcountry trip / honeymoon in the Arctic with a link back from the below shot.
Finally, Running in Boise, a personal blog about you guessed it... running, shared her excitement about getting our Dangerous & Beautiful shirt in the mail (which she earned from all that running.)

We were pretty happy to find more people out there chatting us up. Thank you for sharing the Akinz love with your own blogosphere! And we want to know... have you written about Akinz and we missed it? We'd love to see any links below in the comments!
- Tags: adventure
Suz on
Hi Jenny!
That’s actually me not Heidi! (Me being Suzanne, the owner of Akinz). That was a screen from last summer, but I do still have it I believe. I could double check for you and if I still have it, I’m happy to print one for you!
Jenny on
Is the gear/ bike tee Heidi is wearing one of yours? I love it & want it!!
I’d love it if you had another or could print one! Please let me know how to order it. Thanks!!