Voyage Denver Interview

Recently I chatted with Sarah Miller of Voyage Denver Magazine about the start of Akinz, the journey along the way and where I see us now. These kind of interviews are always fun to do because it’s like the ultimate edition of Throwback Thursday, thinking back on where I was when I started Akinz, all the things I’ve overcome to stay committed to this brand’s journey and what is yet to come!
So read on to see how I got started with Akinz and then click thru for the rest of the interview!
"At my start I sold shirts at events out of the back of my car and then when I moved to Steamboat, would set up sales in the ski school lounge. haha. In 2012 I decided to take the plunge of moving my side hustle to my main hustle and opened my brick and mortar store in downtown Fort Collins where we make all of our products still today!"
Suzanne Akin
And my favorite of the interview? Realizing this…
As a company, I’m proud of how we’ve been able to maintain the handmade aspect of what we do as we have grown. It’s definitely not been easy to do and keep our products at a manageable price point but it’s one of the main things I care about is creating a sustainable product that the average customer can afford.